
Environmentally Sustainable Fertilizer
for Municipalities

Municipalities can now provide 100% organic fertilizer that is safe and effective for the public. We support you with a team of specialists who assist with educational content and methodology.
Contact Us
“Supporting a sandy soil, my soccer fields were continually either brown or yellow. Shortly after using Firmamist the fields turned dark green within a week or two...and stayed that way. My dog runs behind me as I drive my tractor sprayer in shorts and no mask. The price is simply half what I used to pay for conventional fertilizer."
Bruce Nisbet, Nature’s Harvest
San Luis Obispo CA

Choose Firmelements!

We Emulate the Original Element and Nitrogen Cycles

Our ocean based fertilizer provides the full range of elements that are essential to plants, microbes and dynamic soils. The ocean provides the richest sources of nitrogen: Water-soluble nitrogen, Algae and Biomass, packaged into one unique fertilizer that is safe and effective.

Element Quality Control Group

Our team of specialists are here to consult and help you transition to all natural fertilizer. We are available to answer your questions and provide training in areas such as education, organics, conventional, irrigation, filtration, water conservation, agronomy, livestock, safety, storage, international export, etc.

Energy Awareness

Our whole operation from start to finish has a low carbon footprint with our low energy harvesting minerals and with lower efficient filtration process for the lowest all natural solution. We are committed to lowering your carbon footprint with each customer.
energy efficient

Safe and Ecofriendly!

Each harvest of mined minerals is 100% organic and lab tested to ensure its harmless to people, pets and the environment. If a person were to be sprayed with Firmamist, it would be as safe as walking the beach line and being sprayed by the ocean breeze.

Generate Opportunities

In addition to its uses at schools, parks, neighborhoods and public landscapes; municipalities can also profit together with Firmelements in providing access to organic product. This will provide general quality assurance and allow residents cost effective, easy access to grow green while generating opportunities for the municipality.
water texture

Water Conservation

If a grower substituted in a foliar application by replacing a regularly scheduled soil application the benefits are profound. In a foliar spray the plant material is hydrated and fed from the top down while the leaf surface is cleaned of loose particulate matter. A foliar application applied on one acre of wine grapes will utilize approximately 50-100 gals/acre as opposed to a general soil drip application that uses an average of 1000-1500 gals/acre/hour. The above example refers to wine grapes but rates vary per crop, emitter, density and frequency of irrigation.

Utilize the Latest Technology

Drone application technology is available to visualize and monitor stress levels, pests and problem areas. The unmanned vehicles operate with programmable flight patterns that save time and manhours reducing emissions from vehicles in urban areas.

Get Started

Contact us to get started with our environmentally sustainable fertilizers.